Event: Sex workers organising for safety & justice
2.30-6pm, at St Peter’s Community Hall, 56 Warner Place, London, E2 7DA.
Recent police raids against sex workers in Soho, London, have thrown scores of women out of the relative safety of their flats and arrests against street workers are rife. At the same time unemployment benefit cuts and sanctions, lowering wages, homelessness, and debt are forcing more women, particularly mothers, into prostitution.
Sex workers who report violence can find themselves prosecuted while their attacker goes free. And victims of trafficking, instead of the support they are entitled to, are “treated as immigration offenders facing detention and removals”. The response from parliamentarians addresses none of these issues and instead proposes to criminalise sex workers’ clients. Find out what sex workers are doing to defend our ability to make a living without being criminalised and our rights to protection and justice.
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