Campaign – Hookers Against Hardship
The English Collective of Prostitutes is part of the Hookers Against Hardship campaign along with other sex worker led organisations in the UK. The campaign builds on the ECP’s work over decades demanding that the government address the poverty, homelessness and debt that forces so many people, particularly mothers, into sex work. We also demand an end to the criminalisation of sex work so that women aren’t punished by getting a criminal record for working to support ourselves and our loved ones.
The campaign’s demands are: rent controls for the whole of the UK, and a moratorium on evictions; amnesty from arrest and fines for sex workers; access to benefits for all, at a living wage; and an end to benefit sanctions.
Find out more HERE. and follow the campaign on social media: Twitter @HAHcampaign, Instagram @HAH_campaign, and Facebook at Hookers Against Hardship
Please also sign the petition calling on the government to decriminalise sex work, to protect sex workers from danger and harm.
Recording of our HAH campaign event to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25th November 2022 at Crossroads Women’s Centre, London.
Iris, English Collective of Prostitutes
Elizabeth, National Ugly Mugs
Mary Atkinson, Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants
Hodo, Women Against Rape
Vee, SWARM (Sex Workers Advocacy and Resistance Movement)
Jenny, Sisters Uncut
A speech from Felix, Trans Activism UK
Miriam Karmali, Freedom United
A speech from Chiara Capraro, Amnesty International UK