Action Alert: Twitter storm to decriminalise sex work
Join our Twitter storm Thursday 23 July 12-2pmand 5-6pm to launch our pledge to “Decriminalise Sex Work for Safety’s Sake”.
On 23 July 2015
If you have 1 minute:
Re-tweet us via @ProstitutesColl #pledgedecrim.
Tweet us your reason for signing the Pledge.
Tweet us a picture of you signing the Pledge.
Re-tweet these:
I just signed the ECP pledge to decriminalise sex work for safety’s sake #pledgedecrim
Please sign and circulate ECP pledge to decriminalise sex work for safety’s sake http://www.pledgedecrim.
Outlaw poverty not prostitutes sign ECP pledge to decriminalise sex work for safety’s sake #pledgedecrim
Decrim of sex work would increase safety for sex workers. Sign ECP #pledgedecrim
Decrim of sex work would enhance health. Sign ECP #pledgedecrim
Decrim of sex work would recognise sex workers as workers. Sign ECP #pledgedecrim
Decrim of sex work would protect immigrant sex workers. Sign ECP #pledgedecrim
Decrim of sex work would end criminal records. Sign ECP #pledgedecrim
Decrim of sex work would reduce police corruption. Sign ECP #pledgedecrim
If you have 10 minutes:
Send our tweets to organisations you follow on Twitter. Here are some ideas of organisations to ask.
If you have 1 hour or more:
Tweet or email any groups you are in touch with to ask them to sign the pledge including: trade union branches; women’s, anti-poverty, anti-racist, religious, prison reform groups; residents associations; health and legal professionals; celebrities…
Make a list of the organisations in your area, send them the Pledge and follow up with a phone call.
Please ask them to sign online here or email us at
Please use the #pledgedecrim in every tweet!