Daily Express: Should prostitution be legalised?
THERE are few clues as to what happens inside Stiletto, billed euphemistically as “the world’s finest short-stay boutique hotel”. It looks like any upmarket retreat but is the latest, most stylish flagship for the legalised sex industry in Sydney, Australia.
Inside this high-class brothel, which cost more than £7million to create, there are Dali-inspired red lips sofas, commissioned artwork, stylists on hand to primp and fuss over the sex workers, who are legally entitled to run their businesses there, as well as a gym, solarium and spa in which they can pamper themselves between clients.
Water runs gently down a huge curved wall in the lobby while the 12 opulently furnished and themed rooms have spa baths, music and mood lighting. Significantly there are no windows or clocks.
Stiletto has been described as a spectacular, purpose-built, multimillion-dollar adult playground that caters for virtually every legal whim. But it is a place that has significant implications for the debate around the legitimisation of sex as an entertainment option in the UK. Not least because if Britain’s most senior police officer dealing with prostitution law gets his way legalised brothels like this may soon be springing up in cities here.
In the UK selling sex is not illegal – the law allows only one person to sell sex in a property – but brothels and street prostitution are against the law. “It means that the people who are there to protect you can also arrest you so sex workers can be reluctant to go to the police,” says Rosie Campbell of the UK Network of Sex Work Projects.
According to Simon Byrne, who leads the policing of prostitution for the Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo), decriminalising brothels in the UK could solve many of the problems linked to prostitution. “There is a great amount of academic research available, much of which supports the view that an alternative approach is needed,” says Byrne, who is Deputy Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police but who will shortly start work as Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner.
While conceding that the decriminalisation and regulation of brothels in Australia and New Zealand is not an answer to all issues he says it is “certainly a solution to some”.
“More of those involved in sex work in Australia and New Zealand can now access health services with ease while maintaining more personal security.”
Cari Mitchell, a spokeswoman for the English Collective of Prostitutes, a network of women working in the sex industry, welcomes Byrne’s comments. “As he has recognised, policing is not the way to deal with women having to work in the sex industry but it is a tragedy that it has taken the deaths of so many sex workers for this conclusion to be reached.
“Most sex workers are single mothers and many go into prostitution because of poverty, domestic violence, homelessness and debt. Women can leave sex work if they want but what prevents them is a criminal record. A conviction prohibits them from getting an alternative job, especially if they want to work with children.”
In the UK selling sex is not illegal – the law allows only one person to sell sex in a property – but brothels and street prostitution are against the law. “It means that the people who are there to protect you can also arrest you so sex workers can be reluctant to go to the police,” says Rosie Campbell of the UK Network of Sex Work Projects.
So is decriminalisation a good idea? The intention is to make this sordid trade safer for the sex worker but international experiments have not always been successful.
“New Zealand is the only country that has decriminalised prostitution successfully,” says Mitchell, a mother and grandmother as well as a state-registered nurse. “There has been no increase in prostitution, the women feel safer and they can report violent attacks without fear of arrest. We have an opportunity to take a serious look at what they did in New Zealand.”
There the Prostitution Reform Act of 2003 allows up to four people to work together from premises where each of those sex workers retains control over his or her earnings. Where more than four people work it defines the manager as an “operator” with a requirement to apply for a licence from the local authority and a legal duty to ensure that safe sex is promoted.
The website for the BonTon brothel in Wellington, New Zealand, invites customers to enter a “safe and secret oasis where the outside world melts away”. Credit cards are welcome but customers who are intoxicated or won’t practise safe sex are not.
The American state of Nevada has also liberalised its prostitution laws – panic buttons are available in every room in the state’s licensed brothels and prices are negotiated with management listening over an intercom – and in 2010 Canada’s adult prostitution laws were declared unconstitutional after politicians considered evidence from New Zealand. Germany and the Netherlands have also taken steps to license prostitution.
“New Zealand has been such a success because it removes prostitution from the criminal law, allows people to work together collectively and distinguishes between violence and consenting sex,” says Mitchell. It has been shown to improve working conditions while making it easier for those who want to get out of the industry to do so.
Here the Home Office has had a long and difficult debate over the past four years on prostitution laws. In 2004 it floated a number of radical solutions including creating “managed areas”, regulating off-street prostitution and licensing brothels. But all of these were discounted in 2006 after ministers decided to target those who were causing the harm and attempt to do more to get people out of the sex trade.
“The UK laws make prostitutes vulnerable,” says Mitchell. “Women can be busted for setting up with another woman, meaning they are forced to work alone or on the streets. These methods are known to be 10 times more dangerous.”
But in a highly controversial move her organisation is calling for all British criminal records for prostitution offences that do not include “force or coercion” to be expunged, freeing female sex workers to make more positive choices.
It all sounds good in theory but decriminalisation is not always as successful as the textbook suggestions would imply.
In Sweden in 1999 it became a criminal offence to buy sex, although sex workers cannot be prosecuted for offering it. But criminalising clients has proved damaging to the female sex workers the legislation was intended to protect. “It has meant women have been driven further underground,” says Mitchell.
“Sweden has not made it safer for sex workers because women need to engage a third party, a pimp, to contact clients.”
According to Mitchell, neither has the legalisation of prostitution in some states of Australia been a success. “There were too many regulations,” she says. Brothels are legal but must be licensed by state governments. There have also been a number of disasters.
In August last year a fire at a brothel in South Melbourne that was initially thought to have been started by a defective fan heater turned more suspicious when there were allegations of a turf war between proprietors of the city’s legalised brothels. A year later, following an investigation, the fire has revealed the poor performance of the regulatory agencies in the city’s state of Victoria. It was discovered that brothels are being permitted to renew licences despite an accumulation of police intelligence which involves evidence of sex slavery, a killing and other suspected fire bombings.
An investigation by a local newspaper revealed a string of licensed brothels that have repeatedly drawn attention from police and have yet to face any action by regulators. Raids have found plenty of sex trafficking victims working in legalised establishments and illegal brothel syndicates are said to be flourishing.
Before last year’s state election in Victoria the opposition spoke out against legalisation. “It was intended to drive out criminal elements associated with the industry. Clearly this has not occurred. Sex slavery and other human rights violations have occurred,” said a campaigner.
Organised crime has also been a problem. Sources in New South Wales acknowledge that policing of organised crime in the legal brothel sector is often woeful. Hardly a model we would wish to aspire to.
By Jane Warren