Petition update & call to action: Brighton residents please join us outside Hove Town Hall – 19 December
Dear friends,
We are excited to announce that we have passed the 1,250 signature mark on our petition demanding that Brighton and Hove City Council decriminalise sex work and prioritise safety! Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who supported us!
This means that the petition will be presented and debated at the next Full Council meeting on December 19th from 4.30pm.
Please join us outside Hove Town Hall (Norton Road, BN3 3BQ) at 3:30pm for a group photo to show your support (bring a placard and/or red umbrellas if you can!). The more of us there, the more that councillors will see that sex workers’ rights and safety is an important issue to local residents that they can’t ignore!
Seating is available in the public gallery on a first-come-first-served basis.
The Council meeting comes two days after International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers, so we will also be remembering those we’ve lost to violence, and demanding an end to poverty and criminalisation which puts us in danger.
Hope to see many of you on the 19th. If you have any questions, please get in touch:
Stay tuned for an update on the petition debate and next steps . . .